61 Ron Arad 洋 Ron Arad Onion House Q by Q blasts the perception that container housing isutilitarianandstandardisedinsizeandform.None of the three Q by Q products look the same, feel the same or adhere to the same design vision, yet every singleonefulfilsthebriefinitsentirety. The beauty of Q by Q is that the signature series is suitable for production in large quantities whilst re- tainingtheintegrityandqualityofthedesign. Each of the designers will also create complemen- taryinteriorfurnishings and finishesfor theirQbyQ products, allowing the end user the option to include these should they wish. The result would be a sculp- turalpieceofarchitectureasart. Socialresponsibility A founding belief of Q by Q is that innovative hous- ingsolutionsshouldbepossibleforeveryoneandthat we have a social responsibility to help make this hap- pen. In creating Q by Q, we believe that there is an opportunity to pair commercial success with a hu- manitarian division focused on aiding regeneration in post-disaster situations and developing countries. This will not only enable our business customers to engage in social enterprise but also allows this divi- sion to be supported by the commercial success of Q byQ. 61